Wholesome Poulsom

By Mrs77

Showing off the gnashers

Baby S has developed what can only be described as a very enthusiastic smile these days. It used to be a bit shy and coy but these days its full on, eyes shut mouth wide open and usually accompanied by a hearty shreek!

Off to the Sick Kids again this afternoon, this time to get his egg allergy looked at. They ran some tests and told me that he does indeed have an egg allergy which is hardly a revelation, given he comes out in big blotches if he has anything egg related. The upshot is that he cant have anything containing any egg for a year, so no cake, biscuits, mayonnaise, egg noodles or any of the countless other things which seem to have egg in some form. Could be quite tricky, I seem to spend a lot of time peering at ingredients list on things....

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