Lovely Sunday job.

Our drains were blocked (again).

I thought the blockage was between the kitchen sink, and the outside drains, but the plumber sent by the AA told me it was probably a blocked gully.

So after a bit more investigating outside I tried to lift up one of the paving slabs on the steps at the side of the house.

Unfortunately I got bored of chiselling away at the surrounding mortar, and ended up breaking the slab. It did however reveal a drain that had been covered over for at least 5 years (when we had the steps replaced), and possibly even before that.

Once uncovered, I could see this was full of stagnant stinky water.

I attempted to rod it clear from the manhole cover (inspection cover if you are feeling all PC), but it didn't work.

After ringing back the AA to tell them there was now access they put me through to UKDN Waterflow.

I think this is my 3rd dealing with them, and they are excellent. The people you speak to on the phone are incredibly happy and polite, and then engineers get the job done (JFDI springs to mind).

He got his rods out the van and approached from the blocked end and used them as a plunger. Hey presto, blockage gone.

Now just got to wait for the kitchen to dry out, and the stink to disappear.

Meanwhile, I have disinfected 16metres of rods (yup - that's how many I needed), and put them away until next time.

Now I just need to work out how to fix the gaping hole in the steps!

Gorgeous blue skys here today; but unfortunately I've not really sampled any of it.

Now I need a good soak in the bath, as all I can smell is blocked drains :(

P.S I have absolutely no idea what the rubber duck is doing, but it's been in the back garden for months now. Answers on a postcard to the usual address :)

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