Year 2, Day 224 - Softly Does It

I missed the evening light again so decided to go with the softly softly approach tonight! Almost straight out of the camera - just brought the exposure up a bit and sharpened it.

It was such a lovely day we should have been away somewhere but Dale had two swims at a gala this morning in Grangemouth. It was a badly organised gala - they were running 40 minutes late at one point however, they managed to bring that down to 20 mins. You couldn't make out a word the commentator was saying and it was at the pool in Grangemouth which I hate beings a spectator at because it gets soooooo hot. Dale wasn't on form today so no new PBs...

Back home via Krispy Kreme - oh yum! I'm not a donut fan but I have to say, I'm impressed!

Then back to this damned drawing program - I did manage to get the stair in now though!!! Not sure how to get rid of the handrail it has shown but at least it's there!!!!

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