1 Day Older

By nzredhead

Chilling on the Lawn

I did A LOT of sorting, cleaning and organising today. I thought it best to kill my Monday-itis with a good round of spray and wipe and moving furniture. Moving furniture alone isn't as easy as I thought. Oh well.

Sebastian was very awake when I picked him up from preschool. He had decided that he NEEDed to go on the bus. I'm think I am going to have to take him for a ride on the bus tomorrow after Champion Centre. Yay! We got home and I asked him if he would let me take a photo of him with the daisies. He wasn't very happy with me, so I told him he didn't have to wear his socks. Apparently that makes it better :D He wouldn't sit still for very long so please excuse the over exposure.

Too sleepy to think of anything cleaver to write.

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