Words my Mother Taught Me

I swithered this morning as to what to do first. There were friends coming for coffee, and I had to redd up the house but I had my banana cake to ice as per Ms Berry, with shoogly lines of icing.
That's where I got myself into a right fankle trying to keep the icing from slipping off down the sides. It was a complete slaister.

There was just enough time before they arrived for me to pech up Middle Meadow Walk and go the messages. We needed a few heavy items, and it was a fair trauchle to get them home in time to set out the snasters to eat.

Right on the dot they arrived: two friends of mine who knew each other lang syne, but who haven't met in a while.

There was much for them to catch up on, so I let them yatter, while I went into a bit of a dwam, speering what I could blip for today.

There was a bit of a stooshie later when they jaloused they would soon overrun their allotted time on the parking meters, and jackets were hurriedly produced , but they were quite joco when they left, stravaiging up the path still blethering.

PS I would dearly have loved to take in the word pawkie- a word that take me right back to the age of 6 and a present of pawkies , or mitts, which were crotcheted with a ribbon of crochet linking the two and which then went through the armholes of my coat, and saved me from losing either glove

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