
By janin

The Delta Works

I remember having visited Zeeland a long time ago, when the Netherlands were planning the Delta Works. Ever since, I have been interested in seeing the completion of the works. Well, the Delta plan has been in use for many years. And it's amazing!
The weather has become all grey and rainy, rather cool too and windy. So the time was right to take a ride on the "Strijd tegen het water Route" ;)

If you are interested to know more about this truly revolutionary program to try and live in peace with the water, you can check a user-friendly description of the project here : http://www.english-online.at/environment/delta-works/delta-works-netherlands-fight-against-the-sea.htm

With over a third of its land below sea level, the Netherlands have been fighting against the sea for hundreds of years. Over the centuries they have built dykes, dams and windmills to stop sea water from getting into the country.

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