
By intothehills

Bar with a view

Lots to do today, dropped the contract at the Notaire, visited the apartment for a final look round & to check the contents list,  got some supplies, sent confirmation email to book the last two places on a learn French course & then into Chamonix to meet my assistant for this Tour Du Mont Blanc.
Seems like a well grounded nice bloke, and his fluent French & Italian will complement my 'only useful for one client' smattering of German.
Chatting away and glanced up to see today's Blip* - sadly only had the phone with me & the moon, which looked so much better in real life, is only just visible. I know the way to blend in as a local is to be completely blase about things like this, but honestly I think it will be a sad day if this ever stops taking my breath away.

*Moon over the Dome du Gouter.

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