The Funky Egg Man

Mind and body both a bit trashed today after a few beers last night and a ridiculous amount of exercise during the day. But I've felt much more like my usual self. Over time the journal side of blip has become as important to me as the photography and whenever it's possible I try to post pictures that are reflective of my mood as much as the day itself. Sometimes, though, an image can express something that's impossible through words - as was the case the other day.

Thanks for the very thoughtful comments on Saturday's blip. It's always good to know that you're not alone in the feelings you experience. I'm very lucky that on those occasional days when I'm feeling rather disassociated I know that it will only be a day or so at most before I am reconnected back to the world. Saturday's 'me' is already a stranger, just as much as my normal self felt like a stranger at the weekend. It makes me acutely aware of how hard it must be for those people where that lack of connection is normal. I can't imagine what it must feel like to be stuck in that dislocated frame of mind with no expectation of any change. It's left me feeling extremely fortunate.

Richard the funky egg man and his partner Sue, the mad chicken lady (her words!), are new to the market in Shipley. They are seriously crazy about their eggs - and the variety of feathered friends that lay them. I'd never before seen such an amazing selection. Each one in a carton was of a different colour and pattern. I asked if the different type of eggs had different flavours but Sue had to admit that it was impossible to discern any difference. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that every individual chicken and goose and quail has its own name. These are two lovely people, passionate about what they do. I look forward to seeing more of them on market days.

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