a new year!

By Thesalh70

G is for...Gilthill School!

....where, some 39 or so years ago, i was probably crossing that road with my mum. First day at school....first ever school!! what a great school it was. I remember my first day there, being led into the classroom. I remember all my friends made there (who now via the media of Facebook, we are still in touch!), and i remember the teachers!! the good ones and the scary ones!

The school has now been turned into houses, thankfully, rather than being knocked down. The new school is behind it, in what was the old football pitch!

G could be for great day, and gym! had a fab day, Brum early doors for a photo shoot, then home. Lunch outside in the sunshine, photos edited, then a good gym session, followed by a two hour walk with Pete tonight....I'm whacked! night peeps...

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