Return to The Lucky Country

Got a fair bit of backblipping to do - I've been back in Blighty and Gina had the laptop so I lost all photo editing and blipping power! I hadn't forgotten about you all

The last flight back from KL was shorter than the London-KL leg, but it felt a lot longer. The Little Goblin only slept for 2 and a half of the 8 hours, and with Gina feeling so terrible with flu I spent a fair amount of time running around after him as he did laps of the plane.

He's got some speed on him, and with his small size he fits much better down the aisle than I do!

Anyway, we made it home eventually at about 7:15 and it was nice to see that our overgrown front lawn had become a meadow in our absence. The presence of flowers makes the mess a little more acceptable I think! :)

In other exciting news, our bathroom renovation has progressed really well in our absence, and although not finished due to super long lead times on the new window, the rest looks amazing. It's really added a load of space to such a tiny room!

After christening the shower I went into work, Miles to daycare, and Gina to bed. With a bit of luck we'll all have pulled ourselves together by tomorrow!

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