
By yanxshop

Fashion Jewelry Sets

The meaning of the word “Jewelry” is accurately any piece of material that somebody uses to decorate. It can be made out of almost every substance known to man and is made to decorate almost all body parts. Jewelry includes but is not limited to: hairpins, belly button rings, toe jewels, regal tiaras, diamond ornaments, pendants, earrings, bracelets and necklaces. While lots of high-class ornaments are made up from gemstones like diamonds, sapphires and metals like platinum and titanium, the cheaper costume jewelry or fashion jewelry is manufactured from base metals and less valuable materials.

Fashion Jewelry Sets
A fashion jewelry set is normally comprised of a necklace and a pair of earrings. Braclets can also be a piece in a jewelry set.

1) Necklace
A necklace can be a gold, silver, metallic or another other material in a round or oval shape to be worn around a person’s neck. When you chose a necklace, be sure that it is strong and appropriately sized so it does not wear out early. Always go in for a necklace with suits your style.

2) Earrings
Earrings come in many designs, shapes and sizes. Earrings in a set are meant to match the design and style of the centerpiece necklace. Pick the earring set that works with your own style. Earrings in a jewelry set are often used without the necklace and can be suitable at job interview or a wedding. One of the latest earring designs is the Thread Earrings or String Earrings. Thread Earrings are handmade around the world and mostly in Peru.

3) Bracelets
Bracelets can be a piece of a jewelry sets and are often used outside the set. A classic bangle bracelet can be a perfect accessory to a jewelry set.
A Necklace, pair of Earrings and sometimes a Bracelet often comprises a Jewelry Set.

Types of Jewelry Sets
Pearl jewelry set – A Pearl jewelry set is made up of a pearl necklace and pearl earrings. Pearl jewelry are often expensive.
Bridal jewelry sets – Bridal jewelry sets are usually based on conventional styles. Gold jewelry sets are often used at wedding. The right bridal jewelry sets can be a perfect compliment to a bride’s ensemble, while always keeping in mind that your individual style and budge is most important.
Rhinestone jewelry Set – Rhinestone jewelry sets are also specially made for weddings and pageants. These imitation sets are made to mimic costly diamond jewelry sets.


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