The Goose and The Gander

By gooseandgander

Day 26

Basically as soon as we came to Bangkok, we left (we will return again in a week). Not because we hate it here, but we have plans in Chiang Mai (a big city up north) to visit an elephant sanctuary and the city surroundings. We definitely liked Bangkok, but find ourselves pulled to less busy cities, thus the choice to go relax with the elephants.

Here, the beautiful train station below, with hundreds of people awaiting. The Goose and I enjoyed some beer at a restaurant and were confused when at 6pm, everyone stood up as the national anthem was broadcasted loudly throughout the building. Upon some quick research we discovered that this happens twice a day to show respect, generally at big places like train stations.

We made sure to pack some more food this time for the train so we don't overpay for the food on board for dinner and breakfast, as it will be another overnight trip.

~The Gander

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