such is!

By MsMe

Half a stone lost!

Joined Slimming World two weeks ago, not at my heaviest by far, but way too much (no pun intended!). I'd lost over 3 stone by getting back to work. Being out of work really helped my demons take over, but over the last 3 years it's come off slowly, a lot slower than it took to put it on!! It's not good enough! So, I bit the bullet, made a change from chocolate!
I'm hoping my type2 will improve also, hate being a 'statistic'. I'm aiming to be off all meds as soon as doc and sugar levels will allow!
Had my second weigh in yesterday and have lost 7lb in two weeks! Overjoyed!!
Aiming for lots of little targets. Seems less daunting than having a final goal that seems so far away!
Not saying its easy, have got many years of bad habits to work through. Battle old demons daily, but I'm in a better (most of the time) frame of mind to put them to rest.
I'm hoping writing stuff down will help too, I've a long road to travel, but this time, I know I can get there, wherever 'there' may be!

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