A smile a day:)

By tilda6062

Big crab

I found this guy in the water and had to pick it up and put in on the beach. I was surprised to see it's patience. I expected it to scramble back into the ocean right away but it stayed put. It would move about a few inches every now and then, which was good because the movement would change the angle that the light hit it. It was fun how I got to play with the shadows and the angle. I am really liking taking pictures of animals, even thought some can be better models than others... I got a lot of different pictures of him (her). Have to say this one is the best.

Today was a hard pick between pictures, I had a really nice one of a loon with outstretched wings. At first I thought, "I already have a loon picture on blipfoto so I'll choose this other one," but wait, I already have a crab picture to! I think what decided it was that we know that this is a different type of crab or just an older one, and it has better coloring than the black and white loon. I hate being an indecisive person, it makes every thing so difficult!

Most of my pictures on blipfoto are not edited at all in any way, this crab photo being one of those pictures. Editing is just not my thing, I like knowing my work is the real thing and it is talent that makes a photo good not the computer and special gadgets.

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