One click at a time

By KeithKnight

Only a double challenge whammy -spider in the bath

September and a plethora of challenges to choose from - today's blip should fit into -
chandler63's extended August challenge - Watery Wednesday and LornaMcHardy's song challenge - Spider in the Bath.

Only a double whammy today (no chance of a selfie of me in the bath for HeartFreek's selfie challenge).

My bathroom is on the ground floor at the back of the house, so plenty of spiders come in from the garden to make a temporary home there. This means I can always find a spider's web somewhere, especially in those hard to reach places, like this gap between the cistern and the handbasin. Not just hard to reach, but hard to light and point a camera at too!

Being in the bathroom it does get humid, so there are plenty of little water droplets on this example. These were generated by the spider's web photographers friend, a small Boots atomiser, rather than taking the camera into a steamy bathroom.

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