50 days with war against Gaza,
we have all seen the horror on the television.

UN statistics:
- 2104 killed, 1462 civilians and 495 of them were children
- 69 israeli killed included 4 civilians, one of them was a child
- over 17 000 house units severely damaged or destroyed. 108 000 homeless
- 10 % of the population receive water once a day 6-8 hours.
- 18 hours of schedule electricity outages are implemented across Gaza
- sewage are running in the streets
- schools are destroyed or used as shelters
- warnings of rapidly unfolding health disaster
- 369 milion USD are needed just for emergency
- with the blockade as it is today, it will take 20 years just to build up the destructions.

All over Norway and other places in the world there are ongoing solidarity concerts and arrangements. No more war rolling over our screens, let there be pictures of people making statements! No more war, occupation and blockade. Free Palestine.

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