
By Tommy0161

Thoughts on redevelopment...

This is the view along Southmill Street in Manchester just off Albert Square. I may be wrong, but I think the level of redevelopment in the city must be approaching the level we had in 2007 just before the banking crisis kicked in. I was listening to a programme about London and how the people there think they live in a wealthy country because they are surrounded by so much excess in London. Outside the capital things are different. I kind of agreed but then realised that in Manchester, with its restaurants, bars, high end shopping with expensive cars on the streets and people living the good life, we are also living in such a bubble. Manchester is a very pleasant place to be if you have the money to enjoy it. I don't have a great deal but enough for me to eat in San Carlo on a free Tuesday lunch and the like. And I wasn't dining alone in San Carlo that Tuesday.

But I get off the point. People realise that Manchester is doing well and want a part of it, hence the redevelopment frenzy we are having. And this view along Southmill Street is under threat. The Portland stone building in the centre is the old GMP HQ which is gradually closing as they move to their flashy new HQ in North Manchester.

Manchester United aces, and property developers, Gary Neville and Ryan Giggs, have got the site and intend to tear it all down and build a mixed use development with hotel, offices, apartments, bars and restaurants. It looks like a crowded Spinningfields.

Under the current plans, the elegant mid 20th century Portland stone building will go along with the synagogue further along the street and the Sir Ralph Abercrombie pub, one of Manchester's last Victorian boozers. I love modern buildings. I love URBIS and love the Hilton Tower and I love the juxtaposition of the old and new in Manchester which, I find, is exhilarating. But I do hope that the plans for this development get amended and the best of the old can be retained.

I think this building would make a stunning entrance to a 5* hotel. The Sir Ralph could be picked up and moved (like the Old Wellington Inn was), add some good food and it will be rammed. And the synagogue could be rebuilt inside one of the buildings like they so successfully did with the Cross Street Chapel.

Just my thoughts.....

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