Ukulele Hayley

By Ukulelehayley

200 Blips!!!

...and they said it'd never last!

Poppy went back to school today but Alfie is still off until Monday so we celebrated with a trip to the coast. If you spend £25 in the arcades, you can earn enough tickets to get a cheap plastic pistol or a small Peppa Pig. Alf and Stan managed to resist the plastic tat and saved their tickets for next time :)

It was lovely to see all the (many) snaps of fresh faced young school goers this morning. Clean, pressed uniforms, neatly combed hair, smiley faces....the reality of our morning was slightly different:
Couldn't find Poppy's polo shirts or cardigan.
Found cardigan screwed up and dirty in school bag.
Ironed dirty cardigan
Found polo shirt in ironing pile
Ironed polo shirt
Poppy decided she didn't like her new skirt
Looked for old skirts...nowhere to be found.
Forced Poppy to wear summer dress.
Left house (late) forgetting to pick up PE kit.

Facebook photo of teary faced daughter in dirty cardi and harassed mother not desirable.
Maybe next year...

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