Platypus at Eungella & Airlie beach

This morning we woke up before sunset because we were going to spot platypus! I wanted to see the sunrise but with the rain and clouds we didn't really see it.

Then we went to the river where we could see the platypus and yes we saw one! It popped up out of the water several times and we saw it against/close to the shore.

Originally we planned to walk around in Eungella national park but because of the rain we decided we would go to Airlie beach a little earlier. On our way to Airlie beach we stopped by this river which we had crossed (with a bridge ;) ) yesterday. I really liked how all the rock was shaped from the water.

After that we drove to Airlie beach and almost had an accident. It was still raining so the roads were wet and a bit slippery. I was driving and taking a turn but while doing so lost control of the car. We ended up 180 degrees turned on the middle of the road. There was some sort of refuge island (not for pedestrians but just a bit higher than the road- not sure how you call it) and that might have saved us! We were standing still on that thing and cars could easily pass us on both the left and the right like they normally did. There were only some people looking at us who didn't see it happening who must have thought what the fuck are you doing? At least that's what their gestured and looks said.
But whew, I think we had a lot of luck!

After our accident my boyfriend drove further to our camping in Airlie beach. It was luckily not really raining anymore and actually quite hot though still cloudy. We walked around in Airlie beach and then after lunch decided to go for a walk around shute harbour. We first walked towards the coral beach and a lookout. Quite nice! It started to clear up as well so our lookout gave us a nice view.

Since this was such a short walk and it was far from getting dark we decided to do another one. We walked a circuit there and did an extension. I don't think the extension part was walked very often as we felt lots of spider webs in our faces and had to climb over some trees. The mangroves were quite dry as well, but still interesting to see.

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