Double Shot Mummy


PJs in the park

After a full week at big school, we needed to get out and shake off some tiredness.

It was a VERY successful week. Both Bailee and Oscar loved every minute from what I can tell. They loved the drive with mummy and daddy (Just daddy of Friday), entering the school gates and being greeted by the senior teachers. They were both very confident entering the classroom, the routines of putting their lunch boxes and book bags away and of course greeting their peers and new teacher.

When I collected them today, Bailee said that she "loves big school" and wants to " there every day" Bailee had made a special friend and they parted with big hugs and kisses (On the lips), and Bailee telling her that she loves her.... The little girls mother said that all she talks about is Bailee, Bailee, Bailee... I see lot's of fun happening here.

Both the teachers said that Oscar and Bailee had a great week. I am sure they will get to know them much better through the term. Oscar definitely seems more lost than Bailee. I really did think it would be the other way around... he has made friends with another boy called Oscar.... He also told me that he is a "...very good boy at school". I'm sure he will break out of his shell in no time. A highlight for Oscar this week was music class. He said that the teacher was fun and that they did clapping. They are looking forward to swimming at school next week!

So we got home and after the initial excited chatter, it soon became apparent that the twins were exceptionally tired. We pushed through the afternoon, did some art, watched some tv and decided to tackle the park after dinner and bath just to get out. (Only 36 degrees by that time you see!)

PJs in the park was a success. The trio explored and burnt off some energy. They went to bed super tired and happy.

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