
By Norm

Chocolate? What Chocolate?!

We've just been away for a short camping trip. Rob had taken 2.5 weeks off work, but what with the floor being laid, the Volvo breaking down (twice) and causing us to miss our ferry to France, then Rob getting ill (gallstones we think, he's off to the doc this morning), it's been a bit of a non-event holiday-wise. We had a night away with family last week, but this week we saw the weather forecast looked nice, so crammed the camping kit into the tiny car and headed for the South Downs. We found a nice site, pretty quiet as term has started, and spent an afternoon in the lovely town of Lewes. Then on Wednesday we had a day in Brighton. I loved it! I'd never been, but thought it was great, really vibrant and exciting, and appealed hugely to my over-developed sense of kitch!

Anyway, Ted had a brilliant time too and had to be bribed back into the car to go home. Bribed with chocolate... BAD mother! Ah well, after 2 nights of appalling sleep in the tent (freezing cold and sharing a camp bed with Ted!) I'll take the easy option every time.

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