Journey Through Time

By Sue

Portland's Urban Goats

Okay, this is not a good image. But it is of the Portland Goats. They are sort of famous around here. I wish they were closer to the fence, but that's the way it goes. We went to this area in search of a store, and my GPS system (that would be Bill) didn't write down the address and forgot the name of the we had to hunt around to find where he wanted to go. That led us right by the Portland Goats which now reside in this large field, but will be moving to another area later this month. I think they hire these guys out to do "field work" as they will eat about most anything.

We ended up at our desired target store, The Grand Market Place. The model trains weren't what he had in mind, but it was fun looking around this place. Many vendors are in this large building selling a lot of high end collectibles. A few photos are on on my Flickr photostream. There are some of the area where we walked, with an interesting corner restaurant? bar? Not sure what it was. But the outside was decorated really fun.. The Market Place was fascinating with some really fun and funky stuff to look over. Do you ever watch American Pickers? Some of their finds could end up in a place like this...only not the automotive I don't think. day and hotter tomorrow. Summer isn't over yet. Must run to the store.

See ya

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