Hair do too.

Playing blip catchup - this was taken on Friday, but posted on Saturday - so it's really 'Buy one get one free' blip night !

Friday - Spent 90 minutes organising a 4,000 'loom band ' organiser box (must be PMT!) and derived strange satisfaction from the task. Kept nipping back throughout the day to check the blues and greens hadn't jumped the divide and started co-habiting ! They may make little purple babies !

I was a bit nervous when No 3 started playing with them - in case she messed it up again.

Nipped out for a wee trim for No 3 at my favourite hairdresser. HAd to leave it a decent length for the complicated hair do's at the upcoming dance show.

Saturday - The loom band box fell off the table - it's all messed up again. I was actually looking forward to re-sorting all those tiny coloured rubber bands (it's probably HRT instead!).

Spent today driving children places and picking them up. Dinner tonight was homemade pizza and Chocolate Pecan Brownie cake. I had a great time playing in the kitchen and making it - I even pretended I had the "Great British Bakeoff" film crew there with me !

Have a great night punters !

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