
By Katy8

Drive by shooting....

....OF the Tower of London!

I have seen beautiful photos of this poignant installation commemorating the WW I soldiers... Their sacrifices, the lives forever changed.

I would have loved an hour or two , camera in hand , to try to capture some of the beauty of this tribute.

Instead a snap out the window of the car as I transferred from London City Airport to Heathrow.

Feeling emotionally spent after the last few days however on the up side Daughter is delivered safely to her dorm to start uni.

An early start this morning thanks to a combination of jet lag and someone's car alarm sounding at 4 am

I drove the hour from Dundee to Edinburgh, returned the hire car and flew Edinburgh to London. Crossed the city ( is it really almost a year since we left?) and arrived at Heathrow to check in for my 12 hr flight to HK. In HK I transit for 5 hours then join another 6 hour flight to Kathmandu...... I imagine at the end of that my body and mind will be as depleted as my emotions!

However, in the grand scheme of things, and in light of the beautiful monument at the Tower..... Not really a hardship at all .........

Lest we forget.

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