Catching up with the ironing

No going out because I really need some ironed shirts. Thus I found myself watching the F1 Grand Prix. I should say upfront that I'm not a petrol-head; I used to watch stock cars and I've been to any number of motorcycle races including the Transatlantic Trophy (that's one for the kids) and the IOM TT but F1 really doesn't blow my hair back. Part of the problem is that it's often a very fast procession. The only real action is at the start and towards the end so why not chop it down to 10 laps? that would also get rid of the silly "competition within a competition" where the pit crew can win or lose the race rather than the engineering or the driver's skill. 10 laps regardless of the venue.

And while I was watching it, and ironing, I remembered that there was something that I meant to mention yesterday. On my way back from Dover I was bowling along the M20 when I spotted a car registered in Stuttgart. No big surprise in that you might say but.............. it was a Peugeot; how on earth does that work? For those who might have dozed off during their geography lessons I should point out that Stuttgart is the birthplace of the motorcar - Messrs Benz, Daimler and Maybach were all busy there. It is still the headquarters of both Mercedes and Porsche and the first VWs were built here. I can only imagine that he registers the car at home but keeps it somewhere else; France perhaps.

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