
By Nigel


After a rearrangement of the living room the only missing piece of the puzzle was a new (smaller) coffee table. What I bought wasn't technically a coffee table but it serves the purpose of being small and having plenty of storage. This allows us to have a footstool each without having to move the old, bigger coffee table 90 degrees.

IKEA was quite traumatic, although to be honest a lot of it is just to do with Edinburgh on a Saturday, so I was quite irate by the time I got home (2 and a half hours and I spent a whole 15 minutes in IKEA) so I drank some beer and shot some bad guys on Watch Dogs to calm me down. In fact I shot quite a few good guys on Watch Dogs too but that was by mistake.

I continued with assessing the monster code merge and have at least formed a plan, which I will execute tomorrow when less hungover (burp!)

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