
By Dollykgray


I headed out with my tripod for a twilight or sunset shot. Someone recently on blip said you turn and look 180 degrees from the sunset. I did this (unintentionally I might add) and saw this lovely pale moon in the reflected colours. I set off for a vantage point through the sodden fields and ended up at the other end of the alley that I blipped yesterday. I set up the tripod ignoring the strange looks from the evening strollers and happily snapped away. A man walking his dog informed me that the moon was not yet full. I agreed but said that it was so bright and the sky so pretty that it didn´t matter. Besides, it will probably be cloudy on Tuesday when the full moon is due.
I was pleased with the results but, when I was posting my blip, his words came back to me. I changed my mind and decided to post the pale moon and pink sky photo that I originally set out after instead of the lovely close ups I did and I will try again when the moon is in full phase.

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