
By RobinBanneville

No Smugglers Today

At last I seem to be improving enough to return to work on Wednesday.
Having visited the doctor again this morning, he feels that the antibiotics are doing their work properly, and that the infection in my chest has all but cleared ... :o)
I still feel a bit groggy, but after returning home from the surgery this morning I decided to go for another peaceful stroll around Bordeaux ... The weather was a bit hazy, but it was also warm and sunny, with only the slightest of breezes ...
Having taken a couple of serene shots of the harbour, I was a bit surprised to see two police squad cars and one unmarked police car driving towards the headland ...
"Maybe", I thought, "they've had a tip-off about smugglers sneaking ashore with a stash of illegal booty. This could make for an interesting 'blip'."
As it turned out, all that seemed to happen, was nothing ... When I reached the car park all I saw were a bunch of cops milling around, laughing and joking ... Pfffft ...
Never mind, here's a shot of the very unexciting, albeit peaceful and relaxing, Bordeaux Harbour ... :o)

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