September morning - Mid Autumn Festival

I did take this picture this morning, but had such a busy day that I'm only able to post now. Day 8 of the September Song Challenge : September Morn - Neil Diamond
Obviously this morning was a September morning, the song is a nostalgic love song, this the view by now often Blipped by me, my view into the back garden with the window sill near the kitchen table. Can you see the fallen leaves on the lawn and the one leave falling? Today is the September full moon, and thus for the Chinese and the Vietnamese the Mid-Autumn Festival, when you eat mooncakes (traditionally cakes filled with lotus paste and salted egg yolks and pomelo (a kind of huge grapefruit), drink tea and wine , light beautiful lanterns for the children and recite poems about the moon and the lady living there together with the moon rabbit. I've put some extra flowers, a mooncake mould and my red box which was once totally filled with mooncakes in the windowsill, nostalgia rules. I didn't have a pomelo, so made do with a mini pineapple ;-)

In further news I had my heel x-rayed today and I do indeed have a heel spur which caused Fasciitis Plantaris, so I'll have to get a foot-doctor now ! I do hope something can be done about it very soon as it's very frustrating not to be able to walk more . And we did drive back and forth to Breda this evening to fix some things in son no 2's room.

Thanks very much for your comments and stars for my scary jabberwocky werewolf, I've made sure it's back in its dark place, as it shouldn't scare anybody on this joyful night dedicated to the moon :-)

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