Wholesome Poulsom

By Mrs77

Dual purpose

Having a baby seems to have involved importing a huge amount of stuff into our already fairly cluttered and disorganised house. Every room has some form of baby related paraphernalia in it, the bathroom being no exception. However, I am delighted that this toy also seems to work as huge floating coaster (although I haven't yet tried it with a full glass of wine, could be awful if there was a capsizing!)

Aside from this revelation, another happy day with me and the wee man, baby sensory this morning followed by lunch at Ellies with Nic along as well. Both their boys are on the move while wee S is still sat going nowhere. A relief in some ways but I felt a bit sorry for him today as I could tell he was desperate to get going and play with his pals.

Also got my new car today, a Kia C apostrophe D. Decent car for not much money, happy days.

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