Thoughts of a Mummy

By Jaxndm

Princess Wobble Pops

The girls struggled to get up this morning, after R&Aj's screaming session between 12am - 1am.

I have spent most of today on a training course for Parish Councillors. I found it very informative and really enjoyed the experience.

Leaving Aj was hard, she really has perfected her Mummy, please don't leave me. It breaks my heart, she looks so somber and like she's trying really hard not to cry. She was fine after a while though and played happily. I'm very lucky to have the friends and family that I have to help me out, when I need them. I just find it hard to ask.

R&P have started their last few days of mornings and then before the end of the week they'll be on full days!!

DM has had a full day at school, followed by her usual singing class and then brownies.

While she was out, Peach set up our vibration plate. As you'd expect, Aj, R&P where fascinated by what Daddy was doing. When it was built we all had a turn to try it out. It was so funny watching the girls have a turn. Rubles's bottom was doing some wonderful jiggling and Pops couldn't stop giggling.

A good day for giggles :)

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