Wanderings & Witterings

By IvarBlipS

What Lies Beneath?

...or rather 'Who?'

A day in front of the computer - just a usual Monday for me - meant that by mid-afternoon I needed a break. Yes, I had stopped for coffee and lunch, but I needed a real break: one that got me out of the house. So in the afternoon I took a drive over to the Jupiter Urban Wildlife Garden in Grangemouth. It's small, but I love it. Lots of places for wild plants and birds and insects to thrive.

The garden had recently been renovated (it was still undergoing that transformation when I last visited) and looked quite different from that afternoon in July. I took a few photos when strolling around, but I must admit I was puzzled and amused by the 'hand' sticking out from one of the raised gardens. I sincerely hope there isn't a body attached to that glove!

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