Another 50th birthday

It was Edinburgh Napier University's 50th birthday yesterday. I missed the celebrations because I worked at home, but the decorations were still very much in evidence on campus this morning.

Today was a day on campus for me, packed to the brim with meetings:

09:00-10:30 - with my research institute's advisory board
10:30-11:00 - with a contract research client in London (by phone)
11:00-12:00 - with colleagues about an event that we are organising at the Royal Society of Edinburgh (related to the 50th birthday) on 14th October
12:00-14:00 - with a new PhD student and her external supervisor
14:00-16:00 - with colleagues at our School Research Degree Management Group
16:00-17:15 - with a PhD student and another member of the supervisory team

I managed to clear my email before I left for home - hurrah!

Exercise today: morning loops in 28'24" (my best time since resuming the routine on 28th August), sit-ups, weights, and walk to work (1 hour).

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