A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Bright start

Woke this morning to this scene. Have played a little with exposure and saturation and it is close enough to reality. The sight of a bright sky and a suggestion of sun was enough to make us all smile.

The day is possibly best summed up by Jackson's announcement this morning that the worst holiday in the world had turned into the best. I'm not sure I'm entirely with either of those extremes but I appreciate the sentiment. It has been a lovely day full of an extraordinary amount of nothingness. Just the sort of holiday we never have and perhaps should every now and then. The weather has been a little brighter so we have been for a wander along the front and had lunch on the beach, albeit inside. But the majority of the day seems to have been spent in the pool (twice) and the hotel room, with everyone chilling out in their preferred way (Carl sleeping, me reading, A drawing and J doing a bit of all three). I really don't know where the day has gone but I do know I have read a lot of my book and that I fefl incredibly relaxed. It's the first non self-catering holiday we've really been on with the kids and I can understand the appeal. We think it's relaxing when the only real decision for a day is meat or fish on the barbecue but take that away and you really can switch your brain off.

Evening mooch calls before dinner and possibly staying up to hear the hotel band. Yes, it is one of those hotels. The same lounge the band will be in this morning played host to a senior citizen "tonification". We didn't join in.

Hope it's bright wherever you are
Lesley x

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