The Way I See Things


Broadway sunset

It was a gorgeous Indian summer day today. Crocus (bless them) have delivered the clematis tangutica and hydrangea 'Black Steel Zambia' that I ordered last week, so now I have to get them planted - so I spent this afternoon cutting out the horrid lonicera x tellmanniana which I'm replacing with the clematis. After much hacking and barrowing I was left with a root stock the size of a small tree stump. "Chain saw needed, I think", I opined to Current Husband, but he gave me a Special Look, fetched an array of spades and proceeded to dig the beastly thing out. My hero! I photographed the evidence and was going to blip that, but after all the Man Gardening it was clear that proper sustenance was required, so we popped down to Broadway for supper - and then drove home through this fabulous golden sunset.

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