The birthday girl.

Yesterday I failed completely to blip! Very lax of me! In my defence it was a very busy day ending with another AGM to attend. The AGM was a long one too so by the time I had got home and intended to blip I was too late.

So here is today's. Well I did take it yesterday but I rather liked it. This is Mrs Tbay Jnr standing out side a very colourful Pub which we enjoyed a pint in on our Mini holiday to Dartmouth. The weather was just fab and we really enjoyed out 36 hr away.

Life is back to normal now! I have the start of a stinking cold. Oh joy, and we are still in the thick of Young Farmers Clubs AGM's. Tonight I have completed my third in a week. Mr Tbay also involved. He had to attend one I couldn't get to. This weekend is the Church Harvest Supper here. Looks as if there will be about 150 Tackett sold. Really hope the weather holds for it.

Farming - Mr Tbay Jnr out with Discs today working down ground ready for grass seed. Mr Tbay mowing grass around the place and finally cleared out the workshop ready for Saturday. Two on compost hauling, and one on mowing grass ready for silaging tomorrow.

Sleep tight blippers. I am now ready for my bed!!

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