My Aim is True


The gloamin

It was more Blipping in the Gloamin rather than roamin. So most of the blips I took were really crappy. Still I had a nice wee walk. And en route noticed that the local small business lady seems to still be having a "thing" with the local gangster. So that alone made my roamin worthwhile (never get up to mischief in Embra, someone's bound to spot you).

Valentine's Day, eh? Somehow in the last few years it's gone from being a day for teenagers to a day that grown-ups participate in. Tsk. (although I always like the Valentine's Day Post Secrets )

Still at least this bloke realises how to treat the ladies.

Have a mate phoning tonight so that we can put finishing touches on travel plans. Very exciting.

Mait's daily, unrelated to the blip, gratuitous link to nonsense

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