Waldorf and Statler

waldorf.... who is that statler?
statler.... its one of those blipper lads waldorf.
waldorf.....whats he called?
statler......ronbust or ronbuist or something like that.
waldorf.... whats wrong with him statler?
statler..... grumpy waldorf.. grumpy
waldorf.....like us?
statler......like us waldorf..just like us
waldorf.....we like being grumpy statler.
statler......we sure do
waldorf.....why is he grumpy?
statler......no sleep waldorf? no sleep
waldorf.... why is he not sleeping statler..guilty conscience?
statler..... no waldorf. children children
waldorf.... did he not know?
statler........not know what waldorf?
waldorf.......you are not supposed to get sleep when you have children
statler........he soon found out waldorf ..he soon found out
waldorf.......whats he doing in the picture? praying for a nights sleep?
statler.......no waldorf? he got a new camera and he is unbearable with it. Martine runs for cover when she sees him with it.
waldorf.......it a great shot statler.
statler........ dont encourage him waldorf..dont encourage him

PS. Comments by Waldorf and Statler are not necessarily supported by BS, but he does agree with them.

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