Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Tug 'o War

Woke up in a grotty hotel after bad food and a bad night's sleep to the awful realisation that I did not take a single photo yesterday and therefore I have failed my blip mission of not missing a single day. I blame work and having to stay away from home and being way to busy at the moment and my mind being elsewhere. I can't tell you how gutted I am and only 12 pictures away from 200 too. I hope Blip doesn't lose it's magic for me after this but that was kind of the challenge for me not to miss a single day EVER! I don't know how realistic a challenge that was.

Frustrating day work wise. Spent all afternoon in the car and in traffic jams desperately wanting to get home in time to ride. Made it to the yard at 4pm and rode Jack and then Lime. Lime was flying. Got home about 8.30pm to a disgruntled Evil goat and Billy Goat who had nipped to B&Q for a few kitchen bits and bobs having started off dinner and expected to get home to a dinner finished off by me and not an empty house. Opps!

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