Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated

Apparently It Was A Nice Day

Slept until 9ish and dozed until I felt I had to get up ready for my visit.
I got a phone call to say the visit from the nurse at midday would be changed to a visit from the psychiatrist at 2.30pm.

Managed to get dressed before he arrived at 2.30pm. We talked a bit about the past week and how I have been. He has doubled my second anti depressant and asked me get signed off for a further 2 weeks after this 2 wks.

We talked about alternatives to self harming; easier said than done. We talked about my suicidal thoughts; still there. We talked about going outdoors and my anxiety. He wants me next week to go to them , up at the Royal Edinburgh to get me out.
He left and I felt very anxious and upset. He did nothing wrong and he was very nice but it was hard talking about all this when I have no energy and just want to curl up and cry.

Along to Mums tonight for tea with Steven , Kelly and Lewis. Was really hard to put on a face when again I just wanted to burst into tears.
Now I am typing this in tears , and I don't know why.

Took this as I walked along to Mums.

In other news the car went into the garage for MOT today and they phoned with a list of things that were wrong. Along with my TV packing in it is not a good time to be off sick.

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