
By Jamjar


I had my first appointment at a dental practice this morning with my first ever female dentist, who seems very nice, is from Costa Rica and understands Catalan... not that I'll be speaking any to her. It seems that one of my teeth has a rather big crack down it and so I've got to have a crown, which will be done within the next few weeks. The decision about what to do with the big gaps in my teeth on both sides of my jaw will have to wait as the fracture is the priority.

After that I went to my friend in Nottingham for lunch and we spent until late afternoon chatting and putting the world to rights... there's nothing like it :-)

Unfortunately I should have left a little earlier as I found myself slap bang in the middle of rush hour, added to which there was an accident blocking my route home. After crawling for a while I joined the gang, did a U-turn and took a circuitous route, following my nose - which isn't terribly reliable - but it did get me home in the end.

The last of the prawns found their way into the pan for dinner and 'Chasing Shadows' is on the agenda in 30 minutes.

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