Mini orchid

When I was making coffee at the crack of dawn (well, 06:40) I was delighted to be reminded of this tiny phalenopsis orchid which I had rashly purchased yesterday, whilst on my errands, for three whole pounds ( that's poonds sterling, folks, for the time being at least). I can remember when buying an orchid was a major purchase and yet this one I had forgotten already. Anyway, the little sweetie was in a tiny pot, completely dried out, and yet flowering away like a good 'un.

I went down to Gateshead to do some (more) interviewing, with the welcome assistance of RaggedRascal. On my way back to the station I noticed a rabbit grazing in the grass really close to the road opposite Gateshead College, and stopped to take a photo. It seemed to be enjoying its meal in the sunshine. But it turned out that it was not bothered by the closeness of people or traffic in broad daylight because it was completely blind, a victim of that horrible disease Myxomatosis. Trust me, my photo was much more unsettling that those in the Wikipedia entry - which is why I went with the slightly out-of-focus orchid.

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