Oh My Days!

By lovelupins17

The golden days of summer

What a gorgeous September it's been so far and today has been no exception, it even 'smelt' like mid summer! Shame I had my nose stuck in my macbook and my ear to my phone all day! :( Popped over to the Camera Club in Bradford tonight and have learnt a little about RAW photography - hmmmmm…… and I had a custard cream…. and yes I dunked it…. haven't done that in a long while…. simple pleasures! :)
Really nice to meet a couple of 'virtual friends' from a photography group on Facebook and one is even a blipper!!!!
On my way to the club I took the scenic route over Baildon moor - pulled over and watched the apricot sun a little - oh so pretty!
Just back home and awaiting the arrival of Amelia, bf, big puppy Alfie (who now goes by the name of Alfie No) and little puppy Lola. All but Lola are zooming off to Manchester for a wedding, leaving Me, Jess and Chino puppy sitting Lola - she's only ten weeks ….. awwwwww and apparently not as naughty as Alfie - well who can be!

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