
..been meaning to top the crofts again sometime, but waiting for it to dry up enough to travel on. It was almost dry enough! OK going downhill, but had to lift the topper off the ground going up, to keep some weight on the wheels to get traction. It's fun driving up and down these slopes, but have to keep a good lookout for rocks just sticking up through the grass. I think I know where they are now..

I find it difficult to work out the slope on this shot, I'm at the top looking down..

Started around 10 this morning on A's croft, and finished mine about 3:40. Just enough time to get my overalls off, and go to a development company meeting at 4:00.

Lovely day up here, and another forecast for tomorrow, along with some Northern lights. Hoping for clear skies..

You might make out that buzzard again, perched on a fencepost!!..

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