Thank you for keeping my book buying spending habit within reasonable limits. Without you I think I'd go bankrupt here in Australia. Napoleon might have called England a country of shop-keepers, for me it is a country of a published word. Great literature, book-shops full of books (obviously), books hardly ever out of print. I came across just one I couldn't put my hands on for years and years and even now, when I checked Amazon it is not available, although publishing date is 1/01/10. Just to satisfy your curiosity the book I was after for a friend is The Ascent of the Matterhorn by Edward Whymper, sorry A, I haven't managed so far. Oops, I've digressed a bit. Back to books in England. Definitely I can't not mention charity shops supplying wonderful and unusual books in great quantities at great prices. Every now and again I come across a book with a price written in pencil, most often around 99p.
But most of all I miss my time for reading while on the train to work. I will have to make some time to read this one though.

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