September the 12th 2014

Twelfth of September,
Fast approaching the weekend,
New shoes and good news.

Had to wear my awesome new purple ankle boots to work this morning. I love them already! As you can see, Miss Stella isn't sure what all the fuss is about!

This afternoon we had a check-up with the vet. She was pleased with progress and doesn't feel a further x-ray is needed at this point.

I have to check any changes in the wound site every week and we're back in a month, if there's no change and all is still looking good this will become every 2 months for probably a year. The cancer that was removed is thankfully a slow-growing version but also notorious for coming back to a nearby site. Stella's tumour was removed from her nail-bed so removing the whole toe was felt to be the best way to deter this happening.

We're almost back to a normal exercise routine (apart from my dizzies) so there seems to be no lasting problems. I'm so relieved as you can no doubt imagine. This girl's my world :)

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