The Wolf Journal

By wolfjournal

Overschie Carnaval

It's Carnaval time now. Millions of people in the south of the country dress and behave like idiots for days on end. Although I used to join them for a day or so, you will never get in the true spirit of Carnaval if you were not born and raised in these Southern provinces. So since I moved from Carnaval-country to non-Carnaval-country last year I decided to skip it this year.

But, how surprised I was when I encountered this strange object on my blip walk this afternoon. It looked quite Carnavalesque, but if it was meant that way, it surely was placed at a strange place. I found it in our park nearby (which isn't visited by lots of people) quite a distance from the pathway, near the waterfront. It's a mystery to me.

Adding to the mystery, when I was lying flat in the snow to photograph this, this police helicopter passed low over my head. Were they checking me out? Is this some strange, big underground complot I am unravelling here? Will I be followed by mysterious people with big guns now?

Hmmm... strange... worrying even. I'll keep my eyes open from now on....


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