A Puffer!

'Vic 32' was one of at least thirty two steam powered 'puffers' built during the Second World War to facilitate the movement of goods between small post in the British Isles. They are often thought to be synonymous with the River Clyde and Argyll area of Scotland, as immortalised in Neil Munro's 'Para Handy'. This one was open to visitors today, and does holiday cruises via the Caledonian Canal in the summer.

Other news: I fell backwards down a hole today while picking brambles. Because I went down bum first, I was wedged in a kind of jack knifed position with my legs sticking up, and at first I couldn't work out how to get out. Help was offered by a kind passing stranger, but I insisted I was OK. I was, as it turns out. One way to christen a new jacket!

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