youngies journey

By youngie66

Meanwhile Down At The Foodbank

Jack and Victor MacGull at the foodbank.
J. Aww Victor this dam austerity is pure murder I'm wasting away.
V. I know the feeling Jack but yeh dinny hey to shout yer heid aff I'm trying to keep a low profile here no wattin oanybody to see me hae tae come here looking fur handoots the shame of it.
J. I know Victor but what can we do yon government doon wastemonster are treating us folks and birds like we don't matter we moan but they do nowt.
V. I yer right there time for some major change Jack I see a change for the better coming and it canny come soon enough now hurry up and eat yer brekky before that Ruggedly Handsome guy takes oor photy and shoves it on that blipfoto aww i wid be mortified huvvin ma coupen plastered our yon tinternet sqawkk right time tae bugger aff by the way Jack am voting YES Squawk See Ya .
Movie for the day "Austerity 2010" See Ya

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