
By tpd


What a day. Somehow we managed to pack in loads but it felt quite relaxed, no mean feat. Met friends for lunch at Loch Leven's Larder, had a play with the accumulated children in the hazy sunshine, dropped off some albums (that have been sitting in the house for years!) on the way home, then out in the evening with my now ex-band (sob).

Great chat, a few drinks, a huge curry (i now reek of garlic) and then onto the Green Room in Perth for some music and a few more drinks.

The first band were dreadful. I've no idea what they were called so let's call them The Miserable Synth Obsessed Gits. Middle aged blokes playing some horrible synthy-guitary-drivel. We beat a hasty retreat the the bar.

Next band up were significantly better: Return To The Sun - not massively original but good live show, tight, catchy tunes. £4 for the EP and it's on this morning so it's a good sign. Reminded me somewhat of an early Big Country.

Lastly was Sleepwalker's Station - questionable name but easily the best of the night. A solo act from Berlin who really knew how to use a looper, octaver, harmonica and glockenspiel. Great singer too. If you get the chance go and see him.

The shame of it was the booking agent had messed up so this lone guy turned up unexpectedly, the management put him on anyway but there were probably only 10 people there to watch. Talk about doing it the hard way - he's touring Europe by public transport on his own and is going to have done about 180 gigs by the end of the year. I had a chat with him at the end of his set; what a lovely open guy. If you get the chance to support him please do!

Berlin friends: go and seek him out!

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